MMC Blog

MMC Blog

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    Transparent marketing processes with the MMC at Fränkische Rohrwerke

    Transparency gained, time saved: lean marketing at FRÄNKISCHE Rohrwerke

    Marketing in the building materials industry requires a lot of advertising material, extensive catalogues and sales documents. Trade partners must be supported and trade fairs organised. The challenge is to organise and manage these projects efficiently. The MMC project for FRÄNKISCHE Rohrwerke shows how this can be achieved with a modular MarTech solution.

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    We are going to Berlin – to the OMKB 2023

    On June 23rd, Berlin will become the meeting point for experts in digital business and marketing. Since its inception in 2015, OMKB has become the leading conference for digital innovation in Germany. This year, over 1,700 participants are expected at KOSMOS in Berlin Friedrichshain. The MMC team will be there and is looking forward to OMKB! 

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    Das MMC ist auf der CMCX 2023 – wir sehen uns in Köln

    We bring the MMC to CMCX Cologne – with speaker, booth and workshop

    Without a message there is no communication, without content there is no marketing - and without a gripping story there is no chance of captivating the target group: anyone who visits the CMCX in Cologne quickly realizes how crucial holistic, sustainable content marketing is. On June 13 and 14, the Mülheim harbor will once again offer inspiring space for trade fairs, innovation, events, get-togethers and exciting workshops. - We will be there this year.

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