MMC Blog

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    Case study

    Transparent marketing processes with the MMC at Fränkische Rohrwerke

    Transparency gained, time saved: lean marketing at FRÄNKISCHE Rohrwerke

    Marketing in the building materials industry requires a lot of advertising material, extensive catalogues and sales documents. Trade partners must be supported and trade fairs organised. The challenge is to organise and manage these projects efficiently. The MMC project for FRÄNKISCHE Rohrwerke shows how this can be achieved with a modular MarTech solution.

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    Effiziente Contentprozesse mit dem MMC bei der SV SparkassenVersicherung

    Efficient content processes for business-critical documents


    Few industries work with as many forms, templates, and promotional materials as insurance companies.  This is also the case with SV SparkassenVersicherung, one of the major public insurance companies with 3,7 million customers. The switch from Lotus Notes to the MMC was a crucial step in the digital transformation of essential business processes.  

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    Effiziente Contentproduktion im Marketing bei Sto

    Irreplaceable for content production: MMC efficiency at Sto

    The construction materials group Sto in Stühlingen, Baden, uses the Marketing Management Cockpit as a central hub to produce its marketing assets efficiently and to coordinate them in a time-saving manner. More than 1000 international marketing measures are efficiently coordinated each year – between marketing, creative and production agencies as well as printers.

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    Erfolgreiches Mazda Handelsmarketing auf der MMC Plattform: 96% aktive Händlerbeteiligung in der Mazda Marketing Box

    96 % of Mazda dealers are active on the user-friendly Marketing Box plattform

    The challenge in retail marketing: more content and more channels require more marketing expertise and tie up resources. For brands like Mazda, it is important to provide optimum support for their own dealer base – enabling them to focus on their core business.

    To simplify the creation of advertising materials and marketing documents and the rollout of campaigns across media platforms and channels, Mazda Deutschland uses our Marketing Management Cockpit (MMC) as a central retail marketing platform: the Mazda Marketing Box.

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