MMC Blog

What you can expect in marketing: digital peace of mind.

Written by Axel Wernicke-Lodenkämper | Dec 12, 2022 2:09:00 PM

„Digital is the New Normal“– a strategic approach to digitalisation is essential. Fluctuations in consumer behaviour, shifts in sales, and the hybridisation of the sales channels – whether in B2B, B2C, or B2B2C – are forcing companies to act.

Brands have to tackle digital transformation.

The topic is right at the top of their to-do lists, and marketing decision-makers are increasingly required to be strategic. The term ‘digital transformation’ doesn’t simply describe another trend or some short-lived hype. It is a unique paradigm shift for brand identity and marketing – and a unique opportunity.

This additional commitment takes time, manpower, and budget – generally all limited resources. At the same time, the emphasis in marketing communications is shifting to be able to properly shape the customer journey. All this is no help in cutting down the administrative overhead in marketing.

How can this workload-budget gap be overcome? What can help to clear personal desktops and marketing decision-makers’ heads and make way for strategic topics? Our article provides ideas and shows potential solutions to handle more tasks within a set budget – and thus to become much more efficient.

Digital Peace of Mind in marketing requires two things: concentration and diversification

What’s clear is that you’ll be devoting yourself more than ever to the digitalisation of your brand. Besides day-to-day business, a number of additional high-stakes tasks will be in store for you. It goes without saying that requirements relating to quality and quantity are on the rise, but marketing budgets rarely keep up. How can you respond quickly and correctly here?

Two things are sensible in our opinion:

  1. Concentrating on the important topics to act confidently and effectively. Set the course, but focus: on the digital transformation of your company’s image. On the development and rollout of the corresponding omni-channel strategy in the customer journey. And on the adaptation of and content creation for your digital channels. We have shown which factors are important here in our German-language insights study entitled ‘Marketing in der Post-Corona-Ära’ (‘Marketing in the Post-COVID Age’).
  2. Strategic alliances are essential – with marketing service partners who support you in your day-to-day business flexibly and across media. This enables you to establish a distribution of tasks and projects over the long term and obtain free resources you need for your current tasks and change in marketing.

We are happy to clear off your desk for you

As a systemic marketing agency, we have service in our genes. We have been supporting customers in their day-to-day business for 50 years – today with a complete service portfolio for digital and analogue channels: From adaptation to production, from presentation to print, from film production to post-production, from websites and apps to SEO and SEA, from dialogue marketing to web shops and logistics.

We rely on a clear decoupling strategy. We are a one-stop shop for production that’s sure to succeed. We free marketing departments from administrative and production tasks in the broadest sense. This way, we lessen the burden on our customers and tend to their day-to-day business smoothly and in a streamlined manner. The positive effects are quick-to-feel and measurable.

Fotos: Anthony Tori ·

Flexible efficiency in marketing: through assured success and automation

What makes our range of services a real driver of efficiency is the automated process used for the job. From briefing and order processing to coordination and reporting, every project can always be tracked and audited in our  Marketing Management Cockpit. Originally intended only for our own needs, the MMC has now become a multi-award-winning platform for international digital marketing collaboration, and we are continuously developing it further.


This dual concept based on production that is sure to succeed and continuous process intelligence is what sets us apart – and is custom-tailored for every customer and always with the added value of personal support.

Our promise: 30% more efficiency in marketing

The principle of an integrated marketing service hub ensures our customers experience a significant gain in business efficiency. Overall, your marketing can demonstrably become up to 30% more productive – with free capacity for strategic challenges, individual project support, and our teams’ skills.

To be more specific, we provide this margin for manoeuvre in terms of budget and time by providing flexible spend cubes for day-to-day business across media. By separating strategic and creative development in the downstream implementation and production, we establish true decoupling – an effective lever for more effectiveness.

Curious to know more? Delve into the topic!

Gain an overview of the exciting principle of decoupling, of our marketing service hub concept and of the effects for your marketing – prepared for you in our executive summary entitled, „Digital Peace of Mind für Ihr Marketing".

Gain valuable insights into digitalisation in marketing in our current German-language insights study entitled ‘Marketing in der Post-Corona-Ära’ (‘Marketing in the Post-COVID Age’).