MMC Blog

Irreplaceable for content production: MMC efficiency at Sto

Written by Axel Wernicke-Lodenkämper | May 26, 2023 2:08:00 PM

The construction materials group Sto in Stühlingen, Baden, uses the Marketing Management Cockpit as a central hub to produce its marketing assets efficiently and to coordinate them in a time-saving manner. More than 1000 international marketing measures are efficiently coordinated each year – between marketing, creative and production agencies as well as printers.

Die Herausforderung für Sto

Before the introduction, the marketing workflows in the company were quite confusing. There were different ways of working, documents were sent by e-mail, data was stored on local drives. Absent employees could not really be replaced, and valuable information got lost when employees changed. These inefficient processes made content production difficult and caused time and money losses.

The solution: a central MarTech platform

Sto’s MMC is known as the Marketing Communications Cockpit. It quickly became the central process tool for Sto to produce content efficiently.

It allows for transparent coordination and approval of marketing materials. Everyone can keep track of everything at all times, from first briefing to final print production.

The audit-proof change history facilitates cooperation with external partners, as well.


Sto Marketing Communications Cockpit | impressive result Ergebnisse

  • Indispensable process tool for Sto Marketing, agencies and printers
  • Coordination of over 1,000 marketing activities per year, many of them multilingual
  • Transparent production control and coordination with all partners
  • Enormous time and cost savings through optimized workflows

Good experience in marketing 

Marina Gaschenko, Marketing Manager at Sto, emphasizes the importance of the MCC. It enables smooth collaboration, provides process reliability and always clarity about the status of the documents. Automation and documentation in the system save time and effort.

Sto will continue to rely on the MCC in the future

The MCC has become indispensable for Sto. Marina Gaschenko emphasises: 

"If the MCC suddenly disappeared one day, our international marketing would really be up the creek. We no longer want to work without this tool – we can’t do without it."

With such a conclusion, it is hardly surprising that Sto has once again opted for ORT – the successful relaunch of the MCC has been completed since December 2021.

Read the whole story: in the detailed Sto Case Study!

How Sto has mastered the challenges of coordination and content production in a process-safe manner. How this strengthens the international marketing strategy. And why the MCC is „really worth its weight in gold“ for Sto:

We‘ll tell you the entire success story!